I'm really excited because this is the fifth anniversary of my Cheese'N Rice food truck. I, Cameron Collings learned so much during these five years with my food truck.

Celebrating 5th Year Anniversary

Time is really quick. I never knew how the five year's time passed away. I still remember the day I was starting out with my food truck. Starting my own food truck was one of the best decisions of my life.

Though I struggled very much in the earlier stage of my life, that struggle worth it. One thing I learned very clearly in my life. That is when you put consistent effort on something you really love, you do get results. The important thing is how consistent you are towards something you love and how much time you are spending on it.

If you really want to achieve it, you will put all of your energy into it. In short, the important thing is you need to put efforts consistently. If you fail to put hard work and effort consistently, it means you probably doing something you don't like.

Anyways, let's come to my story. I still remember those days when I used to work in a restaurant. I still remember those days when I started a food truck from my savings and by taking a loan. The journey of the food truck started five years ago, but everything started when I was young.

There was a time when starting a business related to food was my dream. I had faith in myself that I will be successful in the food business because I used to have a pretty good experience. It was not just about how passionate and excited I was about my new business, but it was also about I had a good experience in the field.

If you are someone who is very much passionate and excited about something but do not have enough skills and experience for starting out. The first thing I will advise you is, first of all, build the skils. You can determine how passionate about something by checking your patience while you are learning.

The five years to my Cheese'N Rice food truck is going to be not less than a festival for me. During the five years of time to my Cheese'N Rice food truck, it has been a great brand. My food truck has been very popular right now.

It seems great to hear this success story of mine, but you know what, it is not an overnight success. In my journey of building Cheese'N Rice into a brand, it took some time. After starting out my own food truck, I was facing so many difficulties in meeting my living expenses. The reason was I had just started and Cheese'N Rice wasn't a brand.

But, what made me successful was understanding my customers and their taste. After knowing what my customers like, I started working on it. That was my five-year journey with my food truck. Now I'm really happy with Cheese'N Rice and planning to build it into a bigger brand in the future.